Step View

View component per step is rendered automatically upon the state changes. Each component will receive an instance of the created wizard machine - service, so you can add additional actions or events. Also, you can use service.send to trigger internal custom events defined in the wizard config, or service.state to retrieve context data or other information about the current state.

An example of Payment state view, based on the configuration example can be found below:

      <li :key="" v-for="method in paymentMethods">
            className="field -radio"
              @change="(e) => selectPaymentMethod(e,"
      <label className="simple-field">
        <span>I agree to the terms and conditions</span>
<script setup>
import { defineProps } from 'vue';
import { paymentMethods } from "../../assets/shippingData";
const props = defineProps({
    service: {
        type: Object,
        required: true,

const agreeToTerm = (e) => {
  props.service.send({ type: "AGREE_TO_TERM", agreeToTerms: });

const selectPaymentMethod = (e, id) => { && props.service.send({ type: "SELECT_METHOD", paymentMethod: id });

const isSelected = (id) => {
  return props.service.state.context.paymentMethod === id;

And upon using the wizard, simply attach the component to the right state.

const states = {
  payment: {
    title: 'Payment',
    id: 'payment',
    meta: {
      description: 'Confirm payment',
    stepView: ReviewCart,
    order: 4,
  /* ... */
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Feb 4, 2022